Emotional Intelligence vs. Intelligence Quotient
Your EI is twice as important as your IQ
By: Dr. Yashar Khosroshahi, ND (inactive), ACC
Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
The oxford dictionary
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is where the journey towards great leadership begins, and self-awareness is the first step.
As psychologist and author, Daniel Goleman, writes in his book What Makes A Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters, EI is twice as important as IQ for leaders. For leaders to be successful, EI is a skill that must be part of their portfolio. EI does not depend on a style of leadership or personality type, but rather on a recognition in one’s emotions, behaviours, and the outcome they generate.
Also, from the brain’s perspective, building your EI muscle is a must.
The brain’s emotional centres have massive control over all of your thoughts and actions. Your ability to manage your executive brain functions (understanding, recalling, making decisions, inhibition of thoughts and actions, and memorization) will, undoubtedly, be in jeopardy when you are in emotional overdrive.
Try asking yourself these questions to strengthen your emotional intelligence so you can demonstrate your leadership when it is required.
Replay a past conflict and ask yourself:
- Can I name the emotion(s) I am experiencing (try 1-3)?
- How is my behaviour changing due to these emotions?
- What impact is my change in behaviour having on the situation or the other people involved?
- If applicable, what might the others involved within this situation be experiencing?
- With this awareness now available to you, how would you change your response to the challenge?
- How would this bring you closer to the desired end goal?
The goal is not to try to evade strong emotions, but rather to understand them, learn how to work with them, and ultimately translate them into positive solutions, so you can lead better, by thinking better.
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