Today’s Episode:
If we’re not building capacity what are we doing? In today’s episode we interview our co-founder and co-host Ayla to discover her coaching philosophy and her coaching “secret sauce”. We also learn about her biggest MINDSHIFT lessons, how she believes the role of coaching is evolving, and some powerful, but underestimated, super tools to optimize your growth.
Join us in conversation with Ayla as she asks: “Are you nurturing your potential?”
Ayla Vejdani, MA, ACC (she/her) is a leadership expert, intuitive strategist, and Certified Brain-based Executive Coach. She has a master’s in Human Rights, with 20 years experience in social justice, community-building, and teamwork. She leverages her extensive experience and education to train leaders to lead from a place of personal power, prioritizing inclusion and social impact.
THE SHIFT™ Podcast is brought to you by MINDSHIFT LEADERSHIP™. Join us in conversation as we explore better ways to show up for ourselves and each other.
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The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on THE SHIFT™ podcast are for entertainment purposes only. The podcast does not constitute advice or services rendered. MINDSHIFT LEADERSHIP™ assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this podcast. Please consult your healthcare professional should you need further assistance.
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