Today’s Episode:
We’ve all heard the powerful statement “You Can Do Hard Things”. You have the t-shirt, the tote bag, and are avid listeners of the namesake podcast (We are too! We love them!), but today we are offering a twist on that statement, a MINDSHIFT if you will by SHIFTING it to: “You’ve Done Hard Things!” This week’s episode explores the science of inventory and how it optimizes our growth mindset.
Join us in conversation as we remind you: “You’ve already done hard things!”
THE SHIFT™ Podcast is brought to you by MINDSHIFT LEADERSHIP™. Join us in conversation as we explore better ways to show up for ourselves and each other.
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Yashar on Instagram: @yasharthinks
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on THE SHIFT™ podcast are for entertainment purposes only. The podcast does not constitute advice or services rendered. MINDSHIFT LEADERSHIP™ assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this podcast. Please consult your healthcare professional should you need further assistance.
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